Suraj Bhadoriya
Senior Nurse Assessor
Job Description
Job Purpose:
Our vision is to be Compassionate honest and to provide outstanding health care for Birmingham and Solihull citizens. Our chief aim is to be recognised for our outstanding commissioning and for the provision of high-quality patient centered healthcare, which is innovative, equitable, skill based and one which champions independence and life choice at every appropriate opportunity. Our Priorities are also that people receive the right care at the right time, in the right place, with the right health professionals. We continue to strive to be forward thinking, citizen focused and, tackling inequalities and where possible, prevention based, contributing to the healthiest population in England.
Knowledge/Training & Experience
• Registered Nurse
• Educated to diploma/degree level with extensive experience of the Healthcare service
• Have knowledge and understanding of all relevant policies in relation to National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care
• Undertaken personal and professional training and enhance professional development in general and in relation to, patient discharge processes and healthcare funding processes
• Analytical and judgement skills will be required to understand the specific issues around the management of the healthcare funding and application process, the assessment of clients and the choices associated with care provision • To ensure maximum benefit the post holder will be required to use their own judgement in prioritising their workload
• A sound understanding of business principles to compliment clinical skills and expertise is required to deliver value for money packages of care
• Participate in and take responsibility for ensuring awareness and responsibilities under all appropriate legislation and guidance such as the Mental Capacity Act, The Human Rights Act and Safeguarding Adults and Children Legislation
Job Responsibilities
• The post holder will undertake comprehensive professional Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nurse Care assessments for adults over 18 years of age with complex health needs including the assessment, review and monitoring of care for those whose health needs are funded via NHS Continuing Healthcare within the dedicated time scales. This will include retrospective and appeal cases.
• The post holder will act as a Case Manager for individual clients within Birmingham Solihull ICB who are receiving continuing health care funding to assess the needs of the client and their family to facilitate, plan and evaluate service provision to ensure the client achieves an optimum level of function and receives appropriate levels of care in the most suitable environment.
• The post holder will work in collaboration with our health, social care and independent sector colleagues to ensure health care needs are appropriate and at times may be asked to present assessments to the BSOL continuing care panels for ratification.
• The post holder will use experiential knowledge and clinical skills to ensure their assessments are safe and provide appropriate outcomes in a consistent manner in line with the National Framework for the NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS funded Nursing Care.
• The post holder will possess good verbal, IT and written communication skills to communicate with patients, their families and or appropriate advocate and other professionals. The production of accurate, timely, detailed and comprehensive reports is key and essential.
• To maintain partnerships with our local Community Services, Primary Care, NHS Acute Trusts, Local Authorities and independent providers.
• Develop and maintain professional relationships with colleagues in other health and social care organisations.
• Requires conflict resolution and persuasive negotiation skills along with empathy and understanding of health care conditions to convey complex information and to gain understanding and agreement.
• Explaining to patients, family members, their advocates or representatives and health and social care staff the purpose and process of the CHC national framework guidance.
• Communicate and document effectively on our internal systems to ensure accurate and contemporaneous records.
• Participate and or facilitate in team meetings to share knowledge and update information.
• The post holder will be required to maintain constructive relationships with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders
• Work with members of the Team to develop and implement project data collection systems that will provide accurate and timely data.
• Communicate information and issues, including briefings and reports, to job manager, strategic lead/ strategic manager as appropriate.
• The post holder will be responsible for managing a complex clinical caseload comprising of; Assessments, undertaking various reviews (3/12 month FNC/ CHC)unscheduled reviews and Fast Tracks and implementation on Personal Health Budgets and ongoing Case with support as needed from senior clinicians.
• Ensure assessments conducted are robust, transparent and multi- agency (where required) for NHS Continuing Healthcare/NHS-funded Nursing Care.
• To support the seamless implementation of the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare including contribution to the development of training programmes and delivery plans as required to facilitate others learning. Within Birmingham and Solihull Clinical ICB provide advice, coordinate assessments against the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care within Nursing Homes.
• Influence best practice by providing professional nursing advice on a range of physical and mental health nursing issues, which will require the individual to work in collaboration with system partners and other professionals to ensure patients’ health care needs are met appropriately and effectively.
• A strong business focus as well as clinical expertise is a key requirement for this role to ensure delivery of best possible care.
• Assist in the implementation of policies involving National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care in Care Homes with Nursing.
• To assess new applications for client’s eligibility against the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care
• To co-ordinate new applications for consideration of eligibility for Continuing NHS Care
• To undertake Nursing Assessments for patients with identified health needs.
• To complete the Decision Support Tool and recommendation as indicated
• To complete Continuing Healthcare Review assessments and complete appeal assessments.
• To provide Clinical Cover to include processing Fast Track applications; preparation of cases for panel; and provide advice and guidance to external agencies.
• To make recommendations following Nursing Assessment relating to all identified needs of a client
• Identify clients who are at risk and act upon/ manage any issues related to the findings
• To participate and raise Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults process related to individuals who are entitle to CHC funding.
• To undertake robust quality Nursing Assessments and Reviews
• To identify specialist nursing equipment needs and advise about provision of that which is over and above the minimum standard. To ensure suitability of equipment for patients with identified health problems
• To promote physical and mental well-being and maximise client and carer empowerment in the management of their care. Where necessary ensure individuals have access to an advocate
• To undertake Joint Assessments in conjunction with family/ carers and with other professionals from health and social care, to ensure the health needs of patients are identified and appropriately met
• To act as an information resource for Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group in relation to Funded Nursing and Continuing NHS Healthcare, providing appropriate advice to the public, professionals, and others as appropriate
• To participate in the appeals process and Continuing Care Review Panels
• To have a working knowledge of the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care and maintain relevant and up to date knowledge and skills
• To act in accordance with the legal requirements and statutory rules related to practice and registration, NMC Code of Conduct and ICB Policies and Procedures including Financial Procedures, Health & Safety Policies and Safe Systems of Work
• To be responsible for the supervision and teaching of staff/students as necessary
• To deputise when necessary for the Senior Nurse
• To promote clinical governance within all settings, encouraging the development and participation in clinical audit, research evidenced based practice and reflective practice and lifelong learning
Key Responsibilities
• To advocate on behalf of clients regarding clinical issues as required.
• To provide support and provide professional advice to care providers.
• To undertake the co-ordination of CHC assessments, Fast Track Reviews, Local Review appeals panels and NHS Funded care assessments (if applicable to registered professional status)
• To assess and accurately interpret health and wellbeing needs working to Department of Health guidance for all those identified with registered nursing or health care needs.
• To develop, monitor and review programmes of care to meet identified needs, including the giving of specialist advice to patients, carers and members of health and social care teams