Suraj Bhadoriya

Interim LD Nurse

December 11, 2024
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Job Description

Job Purpose
The post holder will be required to provide expert advice and identify appropriate providers to
address the needs of complex individuals. The post holder will be required to attend MultiDisciplinary Meetings, Acute Care Facilities, individual’s homes and a variety of care providers.
The role will be required to regularly review individuals in line with The National Framework for NHS
Continuing Healthcare and to present comprehensive written reports providing assurance to the
CCG that the agreed placement is delivering identified needs and it is appropriate to continue
commissioning the care plan. They will also be responsible for negotiating care costs and approving
these for payment.
Support the CHC Head of Service & CHC Lead Nurse in ensuring appropriate individual placements
provide safe and high quality care.
Key Relationships
 Continuing Healthcare Teams
 CCG/STP Commissioners
 Local Authority
 Patients & Families
 Provider Trusts – Acute & Community
 Care Homes
 Community Care Providers
 Finance Department
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
 The post holder will be required to provide a high-quality resource of professional advice,
guidance and expertise to members of the Individual Care Team, CCG and wider health and
social care economy
 Autonomously manage a case load of individuals with highly complex health needs providing
significant clinical guidance to providers.
 Ensure that all assessments are holistic in nature and utilise The National Framework for
NHS Continuing Health Care.
 To have an expert level of knowledge regards The National Framework and its application in
practice. To be able to impart this knowledge to a variety of audiences.
 To provide complex and sensitive information to patients, relatives/ representatives and
often work in potentially hostile environments; relaying difficult decisions regarding care
provision and managing patient and family expectations.
 Provide continuity of care throughout the period of care and support. This will encompass
close working with health and social care professionals and care providers.
 Attend all meetings related the patient which may impact on the care provision and costs to
meet identified needs
 Liaise with multiple professionals involved in the patient’s care to ensure that a
comprehensive understanding of all identified needs is available. Ensuring that each patient
has a care plan that addresses all their identified needs and can be used to assist assessors
when completing CHC assessments/reviews.
 Present comprehensive written reports to CCG Eligibility Panel following any reviews
completed once patients are in receipt of agreed care provision that identify a change in the
level of care required. This includes being able to demonstrate improvements that may
result in a reduction of care provided or a change the patient’s eligibility for NHS CHC.
 To be responsible for negotiating care package costs and the monitoring of packages of
fully funded care which are in excess of £1000 per week. To be responsible for ensuring
these care packages are reviewed to an agreed time scale, identified by the Head of Service
and that these are recorded on the CCG database.
 Identify and process any safeguarding and quality of care issues and take
appropriate action to ensure that people’s welfare is protected and that the
quality and standard of services provided are at a level that is in line with CCG
required standards. Close liaison with the CCG Quality Team is necessary to
ensure CCG funded individuals are in receipt of high quality, safe care.
 Ensure Mental Capacity Act is considered and ensure relevant processes are followed eg.
Best Interests, DOLs
 Develop and maintain effective working relationships with clinicians, general practitioners
and providers in order to ensure continuity of care and address patient needs.
 Provide a high quality resource of professional advice, guidance and expertise to the CCG
and partner agencies in addressing the needs of individuals with complex health needs.
 Liaising with a variety of providers and arranging assessment of patients in order that the
most appropriate placement/provider is identified.
 Provide information and support to the senior managers when considering the most
appropriate provider to address a patient’s identified needs and to act autonomously when
required to agree care packages in excess of the usual CCG cost.
 To maintain a formal record of all cases and ensure that all relevant clinical information is
available and updated regularly, both electronically and in patient files.
 Support the Head of Service in working with partner agencies and other stakeholders in
developing the local market for services to ensure that it reflects the requirements of
individuals and is able to meet current and future needs
 To call and chair multi-disciplinary meetings, including case conferences and discharge meetings
to ensure continuity of care across agencies; thus improving patient and family experience.
 Deputise for the Lead Nurse as required
 Provide data in order that the CCG can continuously monitor care delivery and identify how
performance of providers can be improved. Working closely with colleagues in the CCG Quality
Team to assure the quality of care received by NHS funded individuals.
 To have budgetary monitoring responsibilities and to ensure that the Head of Service is informed
of any identified budget pressures or financial risks that may impact on the overall service
budget. The post holder will need to demonstrate both quality of care and value for money in all
 To develop policies and procedures, as requested, which will support the overall delivery of NHS
Funded Care within the CCG.
 To contribute to and deliver training on CHC and FNC to a variety of audiences particularly in
health and social care.
 To provide professional support and mentoring to the nurse assessors within the team and
provide additional support and training as required by the Lead Nurse.
 To work within the NMC Code/Professional Code** and to meet requirements for revalidation.
 To undertake and comply with all mandatory training.